








 ポツダム宣言の受諾にあたり、私は、アジアの解放のためにともに力を尽くしてきた友好国に対して、申し訳ない気持ちでいっぱいである。国民においては、戦地で命を失った者、 職場で命を落とし、悲惨な最期を遂げた者、そしてその遺族のことを考えると、 心も体も引き裂かれる思いがする。








 I ponder deeply about the current situation of the world and Japan, and I decided to effect a settlement of the present situation Japan facing today, and now, I would like to tell it to my sincere and good people of nation .

I have ordered the Government to communicate to  the United States, Great Britain, China and the Soviet Union that Japan accepts the provisions of their Joint Declaration.

In the first place, making the people live calmly and prosper together with the countries of the world is a model that the Emperor has done for generations, and I have hoped to continue that.
The reason for declaring war  on the United States and Britain first is because of the desire for Japan's self-reliance and the stability of Asia, and it was not my purpose to violate the sovereignty of other countries or their territory. 
However, four years have already passed since the battle began. Despite the brave fights of the soldiers on the land land and soldiers on the sea, the hard work of the officials, and the efforts of all the people to do their best, the tide of war has not improved and the world situation is also at a disadvantage to us.
Not only that, the enemy dropped new brutal bombs, killing innocent people, and the devastating damage was immeasurable. If we continue to fight any longer, Japanese people will eventually be destroyed, and even human civilization will be destroyed.
If that happens, I will not be able to protect my people , and I will not be able to show my face to the spirits of successive emperors. This is why I made the government accept the joint declaration.
In accepting the Potsdam Declaration, I am deeply sorry for the friendly countries that have cooperated with Japan for  liberation Asia. You, my people,  when I think of those who lost their lives on the battlefield, those who lost their lives in the workplace and had a miserable end, and their bereaved families, I feel my body and mind are torn apart.

The hardships that Japan will suffer from now on will be extraordinary. I understand the frustrating thoughts  of my people.  However,  I endure the intolerable  and I want to open the door to peace for a future that will continue forever .
Having been able to protect and maintain the structure of Japan,  I trust in the sincerity of my good and loyal people, and I am always  with my people.
You must not quarrel emotionally or betray your peers.  Disrupting the society, making mistakes and losing the trust of the world is what I want to stop most.

 Please, I would like my people to unite as one and to firmly believe in the immortality of our country with our descendants.   Please,  keep in your mind that the responsibility for the revitalization and prosperity of the country is heavy, and there is a long way to go, and I would like you to focus on the construction of Japan in the future. Please, I would like you to keep up with the movements of the world in order to cultivate your morality, solidify your ambitions, and shine the glory of Japan again.

I hope that my people will understand  my thoughts and come true.


